Background Foreground HEX Color Tester

Enter or select the hex color form the color picker for background color and/or foreground color and this Background Foreground HEX Color Tester tool will change the background and foreground text color of the container instantly as you pick or type colors.

This tool allows you to preview background foreground HEX colors on each other how they look.

You an also type alpha value after your hex code or choose from the color picker as shown in the below screenshot.

Start experimenting below by yourself

Try changing below background and foreground hex values or click on color picker and experiment with your colors

Choosing alpha value from color picker in the background foreground hex color tester

BG-FG HEX Color Tester

Foreground Color

Type to enter or pick your Foreground Color

Background Color

Type to enter or pick your Background Color

Changed Colors
(When released typing/choosing color)

H2 Text

H3 Text

H4 Text

Paragraph Text

Input Colors
(Updates Live on typing/selection)

H2 Text

H3 Text

H4 Text

Paragraph Text

About HEX Color tester

This HEX color tester tool allows you to easily test and visualize how different HEX colors will appear as background and foreground combinations. Enter or select your desired colors to see how they look together in real-time. You can also switch the colors to explore different pairings and ensure your design choices work well together.

How to use

This background foreground HEX Color Tester tool allows you to experiment with different background and foreground color combinations. Simply enter a HEX color code or use the integrated color picker to select your desired color for the background or the foreground text.


  1. Background Color: Enter or pick a HEX color for the background. As soon as you select a color, the container’s background colour will update live, giving you an instant preview.
  2. Foreground Text Color: Similarly, enter or pick a HEX color for the text. The heading text color will change in real-time to reflect your selection.
  3. Alpha Transparency: You can also specify an alpha value for your HEX color, either by typing it in after the HEX code (e.g., #03CF6580 for 50% opacity) or by adjusting it using the color picker. This allows you to see how different levels of transparency interact with your selected colors.
  4. Switch Colors: Use the “Switch Colors” button to quickly swap the background and foreground colors, helping you easily visualise different combinations.

Why Use This Tool?

This tool is perfect for testing color combinations. Whether you’re designing a website or creating a presentation, it helps you pick the right colors.

Explore Color Combinations

Try different backgrounds and text colors to see what looks best. Experiment with shades and transparency to find the perfect match. For a better experience keep a suitable contrast between your foreground and background colors. We added some palettes to quickly choose and experiment with the colors.

Features of our tool

  • Live Preview: See changes instantly as you pick or type colors.
  • Alpha Transparency: Add transparency to your colors easily.
  • Color Switching: Swap background and text colors with one click.
  • Color Palettes: Choose from the 20 pre-added color palettes for quick testing and experimenting with different colors.

Version History

Date of change publishedChanges/Improvements
28 Aug 2024Color Palettes were added in the input fields for quick selection from pre-defined colors.
10 Aug 2024Button added to change Background and Foreground colors in one click.
07 Aug 2024UI fixes and live preview of color change added.
04 Aug 2024Background Foreground HEX Color Tester Tool Started

Tips for Best Results

Use contrasting colors for better readability. Play with alpha values to make colors blend smoothly. Don’t be afraid to experiment—it’s all about finding what works best for your project!

Final Thoughts

Now that you’ve explored the tool, you should have a better idea of how different colors work together. Whether you’re fine-tuning a design or just playing around with color combinations, this tool is here to help. Keep experimenting and find the perfect color match for your needs!

Don’t forget to bookmark this page by pressing Ctrl+D (Cmd+D on Mac)) for quick access whenever you need to test your colors again. You can also check out our other tools below.