How to Set Up BunnyCDN on WordPress Website

In today’s digital landscape, having a fast and reliable website is crucial for online success. Slow-loading websites not only frustrate visitors but also impact search engine rankings. One powerful solution to enhance the performance of your WordPress website is by integrating it with BunnyCDN, a Content Delivery Network (CDN) designed to boost website speed and efficiency.

What is BunnyCDN?

BunnyCDN is a global CDN service that caches and delivers your website’s static content from servers strategically located across the globe. When a user visits your WordPress website, BunnyCDN serves the cached content from the nearest server, reducing latency and load times significantly.

Benefits of Using BunnyCDN on WordPress

Integrating BunnyCDN with your WordPress website offers several advantages:

  1. Improved Website Speed: BunnyCDN’s network of servers ensures faster content delivery, resulting in reduced page load times and an enhanced user experience.
  2. Better SEO Rankings: Since site speed is a ranking factor for search engines, using BunnyCDN can potentially boost your website’s search engine rankings.
  3. Bandwidth Savings: BunnyCDN offloads a significant portion of your website’s bandwidth, saving costs if you’re on a metered hosting plan.
  4. Global Reach: BunnyCDN’s wide network of servers ensures your content reaches users from any corner of the world with minimal latency.

How to Set up BunnyCDN on WordPress

1. Creating a BunnyCDN Account

how to create and set up BunnyCDN account

The first step is to create a BunnyCDN account. Go to the BunnyCDN website ( and sign up for an account. Once registered, you’ll get access to the BunnyCDN dashboard my dashboard is shown in the below screenshot (yours will be different before set up.

BunnyCDN account dashboard insights

2. Getting the BunnyCDN API Key

To integrate BunnyCDN with WordPress, you’ll need an API key if you integrate it with any Cache Plugin like Wp Rocket, otherwise using BunnyCDN Plugin will also work without API. Will show you how in the further steps.

To get the API Key, click on your name (as shown in the below screenshot) You’ll be on the URL:

getting api key in BunnyCDN

Scroll down almost at the end and you will find the API section and your API key. You can view it, and copy it using the given respected button.

api key section in BunnyCDN

Keep this key safe as it will be required later.

3. Install the BunnyCDN WordPress Plugin

In your WordPress admin area, go to “Plugins” > “Add New” and search for “BunnyCDN.” Install and activate the official BunnyCDN WordPress plugin.

4. Create CDN/Pull Zone in BunnyCDN Dashboard

Now you need to create a pull zone for your domain. Navigate to the CDN tab under Delivery as shown below screenshot and click on the + Add Pull Zone button. You can also follow the direct URL:

adding a pullzone in BunnyCDN

Name your Pull Zone, it will be a unique name and will be shown as in the URL of images or resources of your website. We are entering iframe01any for this tutorial purpose.

And add your website URL in the URL field

adding pull zone settings

Now do other settings:

Choose Tier
i) Standard Tier

Ideal for small files, websites. Exceptional global latency aimed at high-performance solutions where every millisecond matters, such as website acceleration, ad delivery, or small file delivery. Starting at $10/TB

ii) High-Volume Tier

Ideal for large files / video. Aimed at cost sensitive, global high bandwidth solutions, the volume tier offers the best price performance ratio by utilizing a smaller set of high performance PoPs. Starting at $5/TB

Select Pricing Zones

There are different charges for the different zones for per GB bandwidth, so choose as per your requirements and budget.

pricing zones in BunnyCDN

Select the zones where you want your data to be served from. If a zone is disabled, the traffic from that region will be routed to the next closest region.

5. Configuring the Plugin Settings

After creating Pull Zone, go to “Settings” > “BunnyCDN” in the WordPress dashboard or it can be found as on the left side in WordPress Dashboard. Enter the API key you obtained earlier, and configure other settings like cache control, custom CDN Domain/hostname ( in our case for this tutorial), etc.

6. Verifying the Setup

To ensure the setup is successful, clear your website cache and check the response headers. If you see the BunnyCDN headers, it means your content is being delivered through the CDN.


Note: you can also configure a custom hostname like instead of using BunnyCDN’s
For example, the URL to our images/resources:×521.png

Caching and Content Delivery

Understanding CDN Caching

CDN caching involves storing static content on BunnyCDN servers, reducing the need to fetch it from your web hosting server each time a user visits your site.

Configuring Cache Settings

In the BunnyCDN settings, you can define caching rules to determine how long content remains cached on the CDN servers. Caching rules depend on the frequency of content updates.

Content Delivery Optimization

BunnyCDN allows you to enable “Hotlink Protection,” preventing others from using your content without permission and also offers “Bot and Crawlers” control to manage how bots access your website.

Image Optimization

Importance of Image Optimization

Images contribute significantly to web page size. BunnyCDN’s Image Optimizer reduces image size without compromising quality, resulting in faster loading times.

Using BunnyCDN Image Optimizer

Once activated, the Image Optimizer automatically compresses and optimizes images on your website.

Integrating with WordPress Media Library

BunnyCDN can integrate directly with the WordPress media library, optimizing images as they are uploaded.

Security and SSL

BunnyCDN Security Features

BunnyCDN offers DDoS protection, secure token authentication, and other security features to safeguard your website from threats.

Enabling SSL for Your Website

Enabeling SSL in BunnyCDN

You can set up SSL for your WordPress website to ensure encrypted data transmission and build trust with your users.

BunnyCDN Pricing

BunnyCDN pricing starts from $1, you pay for the usage only. You can recharge your account and the billing will be from that amount as per the bandwidth used.

The price per GB bandwidth usage is shown in the pricing zones and you choose and select the zones by yourself.

bunnycdn pricing zones

For an idea, one of our client’s website stats and the cost is shown below. It will give you an idea of BunnyCDN pricing for use.

Monthly bandwidth usage in July is 760.65 GB with an average cost of $0.006 per GB and a cost of around $8.52 which is a very reasonable amount and the performance is also very good.

You can also Try BunnyCDN for 14 days for FREE and recharge your account if you like the services.

bunnycdn pricing for 760 GB bandwidth usage

Analyzing Performance and Usage

Monitoring BunnyCDN Usage

The BunnyCDN dashboard provides valuable insights into bandwidth usage, requests, and content delivery performance.

Analyzing Performance Metrics

Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix to analyze your website’s performance and identify areas for improvement.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter any issues with BunnyCDN, try clearing the cache, rechecking settings, or seeking support from their knowledge base.

Getting Support from BunnyCDN

BunnyCDN offers excellent customer support through tickets and a knowledge base to help you resolve any problems quickly.

If you need our help setting up the CDN for you, contact us


Integrating BunnyCDN with your WordPress website can significantly enhance its speed, performance, and SEO rankings. With its user-friendly setup and powerful features like caching, image optimization, and security, BunnyCDN offers a comprehensive solution for content delivery and website optimization.

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